The CO2 Market 05.09.2016
The ICE exchange from London currently trades its CO2 operations and Brent Crude as follows:
- EUA spot: € 4.08
- EUA Dec ’16 futures: € 4.08
- CER daily futures: € 0.38
- Brent Crude futures ’16: $ 49.62
Hystorical Moment at G20
During the Group of Twenty Summit in China (4-5 September 2016), the USA and China shows very controversial positions on some global major points. But in Hangzhou was also made history. For the first time the both greatest emitters of greenhouse-gases signed the official ratification documents of the Paris world climate summit.
USA and China are emitting 39% of the global human made greenhouse-gases.
The fact, that these both nations never signed the ratification of the Kyoto-Protocol but the Paris climate deal, is an very important milestone on the way of fighting global warming.
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