The ICE exchange from London currently trades its CO2 operations and Brent Crude as follows:
- EUA spot: € 5.68
- EUA Dec ’16 futures: € 5.72
- CER daily futures: € 0.40
- Brent Crude futures Dec’16: $ 51.88
Climate Change News
Casiana Fometescu was invited by Allcot Group to participate this week ( 18-19.10.2016 ) at the Climate Change Conference in Paris, organized by IETA, IEA, and OECD.
Conference participants, coming from both the public sector, especially public technocrats (United Nations, European Commission, EPA – the US Environmental Protection Agency), and the private sector (industries, trading companies, universities) openly discussed current and future trends on the achievement of internationally climate change targets, and current systems existing in the main developed countries (EU, US, Canada, Japan).
The main topics discussed:
- Paris Agreement: international trading to achieve and surpass NDCs (National Determined Contributions of parties)
- Carbon markets in Asia – Pacific
- The EU ETS scheme – current challenges and future opportunities
- Aviation: news on the global trading scheme recently approved by ICAO
- Evolution of the carbon market in North America (USA and Canada)
- Linkages and carbon clubs
For more information about these topics, we are please to answer your questions.
Source: 16th Annual Workshop IETA IEA EPRI on GHG Emissions Trading, OECD Paris