The CO2 Market 28.04.2016
The ICE exchange from London closed its CO2 operations as follows:
- EUA spot: € 6.82
- EUA Dec ’16 futures: € 6.81
- CER Dec ’16 futures: € 0.42
- Brent Crude July ’16 futures: $ 46.63
The International Climate Change Policy
175 parties (174 countries and the European Union) signed the Paris Agreement on 22 April, ‘International Mother Earth Day’. A historic figure that goes beyond the previous record of 119 signatures on an opening day for the signing of an international agreement, previously held by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, signed in Montego Bay in 1982.
This is a historical momentum for climate change policy. Countries, companies and people have been united in a single aim at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and turned the world into a green global economy.
For more information, please click here.
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