Efficient Safe CO2 Transactions

The carbon price is extremely volatile and depends on numerous objective or subjective factors. Therefore, you need a professional to anticipate the market and recommend the best time to sell or purchase carbon allowances.

Carbon Expert team remains at your service to help with your greenhouse emissions transactions (EUAs , EUAA, UKA, etc.) within the European Emissions Trading Scheme since your business needs to optimally benefit from the CO2 trading and focus on its primary activities.

  • Competitive prices
  • Knowledge of objective and subjective factors that determine growth and lower carbon price
  • Anticipating market trends for energy and carbon European market
  • Study of the EU legislation and international climate targets set by 2050
  • CO2 safety transactions
  • Reliability, honesty and involvement in voluntary community service projects

We will redirect from our income to those who really need financial and social assistance and social. A part of your money will be invested by us in sustainable development projects aimed at reducing greenhouse gases emissions, especially in poorer developing regions and communities as well as social and humanitarian projects.

Do you need a comprehensive understanding of the carbon emissions trading within the EU ETS or internationally?

We are here to offer you a broader perspective about the international carbon market and advise  you towards those transactions or activities types, which best suit your needs.

CO2 Calculator