The CO2 Market – 25.09.2017
The ICE exchange from London trades today, 25.09.2017, CO2 certificates and Brent Crude as follows:
- EUA spot: € 6.64
- EUA Dec ’17 futures: € 6.65
- CER spot: € 0.20
- Brent Crude futures Dec’17: $ 56.81
The European Climate Policy
Germany has become a key player in international climate politics in recent years, yet it is falling behind its domestic carbon targets. Angela Merkel is likely to need one or two coalition partners from the five other parties expected to enter the Bundestag. This means the next government’s priorities will have to be negotiated post-election and may not reflect individual party positions.
While the election outcome is unlikely to alter its global positioning, future government policy will likely affect its national climate progress.
The market of European emission allowances reacts positive and showed a small plus on Monday morning. Last week on the other hand, the EUA market was bearish in the second half on swinging trading sessions, what was caused not least by weaker German power prices.
At the same time, ETS company mergers are on track: Germany’s ThyssenKrupp and India’s Tata Steel have agreed to merge their European operations to create the bloc’s number two steel producer and one of the biggest emitting companies in the EU ETS.
To read more on the German climate policy, please click here.
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