
Archive for May, 2017

The CO2 Market – 1.06.2017

Innovate4Climate Summit took place last week in Barcelona from 22nd to 25th May. Casiana Fometescu, CO2 consultant from Carbon Expert took part at this event, which gathered hundreds participants all over the world, from the carbon industry, but also from private and public financing institutions, NGOs etc. The event was organized by the World Bank in partnership with IETA (International Emissions Trading Association).

Innovate4Climate saw the publication of the annual IETA “GHG Market Sentiment Survey”. Conducted by PwC, the survey of 135 IETA members from across the globe raised widespread concerns that an increase in nationalist policies could hinder an international response to climate change.

The survey showed members of the group expect prices for EUAs will average €8.29/mt over the whole of Phase 3 (2013-2020), a drop of 10% from last year’s survey.

The poll revealed price forecasts ranging from €8/mt to €11/mt for the whole of Phase 3, which the lobby said was consistent with predictions in the last four annual surveys. Expectations for prices out to 2030 also dipped, while the majority of respondents agree that a carbon price floor is needed in the EU ETS.

For Phase 4 (2021-2030) IETA members forecast an average of €16.28/t, down 8.7% from last year’s prediction of €17.83/mt and €18.40/mt in 2015.

Innovate4Climate2017 Casiana BCN 2017

Source: “GHG Market Sentiment Survey”, IETA

#Innovate4Climate #climatechange #WorldBank


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The Carbon Market 09.05.2017

The ICE exchange from London closed yesterday, 08.05.2017, its CO2 tradings and Brent Crude as follows:

  • EUA spot:  € 4.47
  • EUA Dec ’17 futures: € 4.42
  • CER daily futures: € 0.24
  • Brent Crude futures August’17: $ 49.76

The European CO2 Market

Data from the European Institute of Statistics, Eurostat, shows that last year carbon dioxide emissions dropped by 1.4% in Romania compared to 2015, with Romania accounting for 2.1% of total CO2 emissions of the European Union.

Ten other Member States have reduced their emissions: Malta, Bulgaria, Portugal, Great Britain, Luxembourg, Greece, Italy, Estonia, the Czech Republic and Belgium. The largest percentage of emissions reduction was recorded in Malta, 18.2%. However, Malta is a small state and accounts for only 0.04% of total European emissions. On the other hand, Bulgaria hass the second highest carbon dioxide emissions in the EU with 7%, followed by Portugal with 5.7% and the UK with 4, 8%.

In contrast, 17 European countries increased their carbon dioxide emissions, with the largest increase being recorded in Finland, 8.5%, in Cyprus, 7%, and in Slovenia and Denmark, 5.8% r,espectively 5.7%.

However, Germany, 22.9%, the United Kingdom, 11.7%, and Italy 10.1%, have the largest proportions of total carbon dioxide emissions in the EU.

At European Union scale, carbon emissions decreased last year by 0.4% compared to the previous year.

Source: Eurostat, Bruxelles

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