Let’s Learn to Read
Education is the most precious resource for future generations.
Carbon Expert aims to helping poor children without access to education. In addition to scholarships that we offer in Romania, through Your Chance Association, we would like to expose you the situation in Uganda – one of the poorest countries in West Africa. In this country, paying tuition fees (200 euro / year) is extremely difficult for the majority of families. Many families have more than five children, which means that most of them remain at home without being able to secure a future. And lots of the children are orphans due to the local violence in the region and difficult diseases.
You can make the difference and offer education to a child! Pay the school fee for one children to ensure the continuation of the school year!
www.asociatiasansata.ro, asociatia_sansata@yahoo.com
Tel. +4 0744 910 487, Fax +4 031 82 22 457
Fiscal No.: 28901016
Bank Accounts opened at BCR :
LEI RO64RNCB0591123278690001
EURO RO37RNCB0591123278690002
USD RO10RNCB0591123278690003