The Carbon Market 02.02.2016
The ICE exchange from London currently trades as follows:
- EUA spot: € 5.67
- EUA Dec ’15 futures: € 5.70
- CER Dec ’15 futures: € 0.40
- Brent Crude futures: $ 35.85
- German Power Dec ’16: € 23,80
Voluntary Responsibility for the Environment
CARBON EXPERT launches online platform through which every individual, company or organization can calculate and offset its carbon footprint.
The Carbon Footprint, also called CO2 footprint, represents the total greenhouse gas emissions produced by an organization, event, product, flight or household in a defined period of time.
The calculator determines the amount of CO2 produced by introducing usual elements (kilometers, electricity consumption etc.). At the same time, it allows the offset of the CO2 footprint by purchasing voluntary CO2 credits equal to the amount of CO2 produced in the chosen time period.
The CO2 calculator is made under Swiss expertise, by ALLCOT Group, and Carbon Expert is Allcot official partner for South Eastern Europe. The computer uses emission factors for Romania, according to the latest UN IPCC data, under ISO 14000.
For large companies, the carbon footprint calculation is done punctually to each company, according to the specificity of its activities. Please contact us if you are interested in.
For more information, please visit:
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