
Archive for November, 2020

High Tech Ceramics (HTC) – Technology made in Germany that reduces gas consumption and CO2 emissions with more than 10%

We would like to introduce you to the HTC technology produced and used in Germany for 10 years, tested by TÜV and GWI (Gaswärme Institut e.V. Essen) that can improve the fuel consumption of your production activities and, implicitly, reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

One of the ways to obtain hot water and heat is through boilers that use different types of energy. Thus, consumers want to save this energy, and this technology meets this need.

HTC technology saves energy in boilers for generating hot water and process steam through the heat accumulator at high temperatures.  Through the structure and construction of the ceramics, the hot gases are brought closer to the wall of the combustion chamber, improving the heat transfer. Recirculation of hot gases on incandescent ceramics leads to optimization of combustion and a reduction of emissions.

HTC ceramics store the energy of the flame and finally return it to the system through the radiation of fixed bodies. By the alternating action between the ceramics heat accumulator and the hot water of the boiler, this one cools more slowly  and reaches its operating temperature faster when starting (“Hot start”).

As a result, the burner must work less, the gas consumption being reduced by more than 10%, depending on the type of boiler, and reduces the greenhouse gas emissions, which are produced by combustion.

Poza HTC

For more information on this technology and how you can test the compatibility with your boilers system, you can contact us at or 00 40 746 231 024.

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CO2 Market – 10.11.2020

The International Energy Agency (IEA) published in October 2020 its annual World Energy Outlook (WEO) where the IEA models different scenarios to the long-term developments of the global commodity and energy markets up to 2070.

Main key aways from the report:

* The pandemic has hit oil particularly hard, and total investment in energy dropped by 18%, but the share of renewables in the energy mix is up.
* Coal drops in all scenarios, to be replaced by nuclear and renewables.
* Amongst renewables, solar will experience the greatest growth in the next decade, and wind power will also experience steady growth.
* Primary energy demand in 2040 will still be covered largely by oil and gas.
* The states won’t achieve net-zero emissions until 2070, missing the 1.5oC target for 2050.

As an example, to reduce emissions by 40 per cent by 2030, almost 75 per cent of global electricity generation would have to come from low-emission sources by 2030 and more than 50 per cent of passenger cars sold worldwide would have to be electric in 2030 (compared to 2.5 per cent in 2019).

The ICE ECX exchange from London opened this morning (10.11.2020) its EUA trade sessions at 26,55 Euro/tCO2.


Source: IEA, Paris & ICE ECX London

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CO2 Market – 03.11.2020

POLL: Analysts elevate EUA price outlooks as market eyes new all-time highs

EU carbon prices will rise through the rest of this year, though they may not reach a new all-time high or sustainably hold above the tenuous €30 level until well into 2021, analysts predicted, as they substantially raised their EUA forecasts across the board.

The ICE ECX exchange from London opened this morning (03.11.2020) its EUA trade sessions at 24.15 Euro/tCO2, 2,03% more than the previous day.

Source: Carbon Pulse & ICE ECX London

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