
Archive for May, 2016

The CO2 Market – 24.05.2016

The ICE exchange from London currently trades its as follows:

  • EUA spot:  € 5.70
  • EUA Dec ’16 futures: € 5.74
  • CER daily futures: € 0.40
  • Brent Crude July ’16 futures: $ 48.04

The Effects of Climate Changes

The first impacts of the climate change are coming these days more visible than ever. April 2016 made a new record with a global average of 13.7°C, what makes a plus of 1.1°C more than the average of the 20th century was. Especially in regions of Russia, Alaska, South America and Asia it was significant to warm. The complete snow-covered surface of the northern hemisphere was never in April so small since the beginning of the human made records.

What might be in the middle of Europe pleasant for most of the people, in India has it dramatically results. The country suffers under unbelievable temperatures of more than 50°C. In Phalodi the sad record temperature of 51°C was seen. These life threatening temperatures have lost lives of a couple of dozen people.

The price of the EU emission allowances was moving under the level of six Euro again last week. The highest influence was the development of the price of Brent crude oil, which had no success to move thru the 50-US-Dollar-resistance.

Source: Advantag News, Germany

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The Carbon Market 18.05.2016

The ICE exchange from London closed its CO2 operations as follows:

  • EUA spot:  € 6.03
  • EUA Dec ’16 futures: € 6.05
  • CER daily futures: € 0.41
  • Brent Crude July ’16 futures: $ 49.38

The CO2 Rules for Aviation

An interesting development has been reported this week. ICAO is apparently “considering new rules that would require airlines to buy two forest credits for each metric ton of carbon dioxide, double the typical amount.” ICAO declined to comment.

A few days later it was reported that there are “deep divisions” between countries over the deal to curb aviation emissions, such as between the US and China.

Talks continue, and the deal is due to be voted on at ICAO’s full assembly in October.

Please read the Bloomberg article here.

Source: Bloomberg & CMIA, London

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